Inequalities for Cebasev Functional in Banach Algebras, S. S. Dragomir, M. V. Boldea, M. Megan, RGMIA Research Report Collection, Vol. 15, Article 76, 2015.
Statistical Methods for Studying the Heredity of Haemophilia in Animal and Plant Populations, C. Anghel, M. Boldea, A. Cojocariu, Ofelia Sofran, Revista Română de Statistică Supliment 11/2015, pp. 72-80, 2015.
New Norm Inequalities of Cebydev Type for Power Series in Banach Algebras, S. S. Dragomir, M. V. Boldea, M. Megan, Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 253-266, 2015.
Norm Inequalities of Čebyšev Type for Power Series in Banach Algebras, Silvestru S. Dragomir, Marius V. Boldea, Constantin Buşe and Mihail Megan, Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014:294, IF 0.77. doi:10.1186/1029-242X-2014-294
New Bounds for Cebysev Functional for Power Series in Banach Algebras Via a Gruss-Lupas Type Inequality, S. Dragomir, M. V. Boldea and M. Megan, RGMIA Research Report Collection, Vol. 17, Article 104, 2014.
A Method for Determining the Production Function, Anghel, Corneliu; Boldea, Marius, International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 535-540, 2007.
On the Equilibrium in a Discrete-Time Lucas Model, Marius Valentin Boldea, Cahiers de la MSE, CERMSEM, 54, 2006.
On Determining the Constant Displacement Angle on a Loxodrome, C. Anghel, Marius Boldea. Proceedings of Anniversary Conference, 60 years University of Rousse, ”Angel Kanchev”, Vol. 44, book 6.1, pp. 28-31, Rousse, 2005.
A New Model of Economic Growth, Marius Boldea, Lucrările științifice ale simpozionului multidisciplinar internațional ,,Universitaria Simpro 2005”, pp. 9-11, Petroșani, 2005.
Determinarea echilibrului genetic prin modelarea stohastică, Anghel, C., M. Boldea, Irina Petrescu, Ofelia Sofran, Revista Română de Statistică, nr. 6, pp. 95-104, Bucureşti, 2005.
Mathematical Models Regarding Agricultural Yield and Chemical Fertilizers, M. Boldea, C Anghel, Proceedings of International Workshop on Applied Mathematics, Timișoara, pp. 1-6, 2005.
Determination of the Optimum Fertilization Doses, M. Boldea, C Anghel, Proceedings of International Workshop on Applied Mathematics, Timișoara, pp. 7 -12, 2005.
The Null Hypothesis Test in Comparing the Means of Some Coupled Measurements, M. Boldea, C Anghel, Codruţa Chiş, Proceedings of International Workshop on Applied Mathematics, Timișoara, 2005.
Applications of Linear Algebra to Genetics, Chiş, Codruţa, M. Chiş, M. Boldea, Proceedings of International Workshop on Applied Mathematics, Timișoara, 2005.
Verificare prin simulare pe calculator a unor distribuţii statistice, Anghel, C., M. Boldea, C. Sălăşan, Revista Română de Statistică, nr. 1 pp. 67-73, Bucureşti, 2003.
Metode de mărire a preciziei pentru testele de semnificaţie, Anghel, C., M. Boldea, C. Sălăşan, Revista Română de Statistică, nr. 4 pp. 17-22, Bucureşti, 2003.
A New Distribution Law in Statistics, Anghel, C; Boldea, Marius, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, Chinju and Masan, August 6-10, pp. 1-6, 2001.
A Generalization of the Trapezoidal Rule for the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral and Applications, S. Dragomir, C. Buse, M. V. Boldea and L. Braescu, Nonlinear Analysis Forum Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 337–351, 2001.
Simularea pe calculator a unui proces binomial şi poissonian, Anghel, C., M. Boldea, Revista Română de Statistică, nr. 2 pp 41-45, Bucureşti, 2000.
Some New Remarks on Cauchy-Buniakowsky-Schwarz’s Inequality, Dragomir, Sever S.; Boldea, Valentin M., Rad., Prir.-Mat. Fak., Univ. Kragujevcu 21, pp. 33-40, 1999.
Matematică aplicată:
Variation of Chlorophyll Content in Sunflower under the Influence of Magnetic Nanofluids, Amedeu Pirvulescu, Florin Sala, Marius Boldea, AIP Conf. Proc., 1648, 670009, 2015. /1.4912904
Mathematical and Statistical Analysis of the Effect of Boron on Yield Parameters of Wheat, Hamzeh Rawashdeh, Florin Sala, Marius Boldea, AIP Conf. Proc., 1648, 670010, 2015. /10.1063/1.4912905
Relation of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index with Some Spectral Bands of Satellite Images, Mihai Valentin Herbei, Florin Sala, Marius Boldea, AIP Conf. Proc., 1648, 670003, 2015.
Using Mathematical Algorithms for Classification of LANDSAT 8 Satellite Images, Mihai Valentin Herbei, Florin Sala, Marius Boldea, AIP Conf. Proc.,1648, 670004, 2015. /1.4912899
Differentiated Contribution of Minerals Through Soil and Foliar Fertilization to the Winter Wheat Yield, F. Sala, H. Rawashdeh, M. Boldea, American Journal of Experimental Agriculture Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 158-167, 2015. DOI : 10.9734/AJEA/2015/14354
Evaluation of Agricultural Yield in Relation to the Doses of Mineral Fertilizers, Boldea, M., Sala, F., Rawashdeh, H., Luchian, D., Journal of Central European Agriculture Vol. 16 No. 2, pp.149-161, 2015 DOI: 10.5513/JCEA01/16.2.1603
Leaf area constant model in optimizing foliar area measurement in plants: A case study in apple tree, Florin Sala, Gicu-Gabriel Arsene, Olimpia Iordanescu, Marius Boldea, Scientia Horticulturae, Vol. 193, pp. 218-224, 2015, DOI: doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2015.07.008
Mathematical Model for Determining the Optimal Doses of Mineral Fertilizers for Wheat Crops, Florin Sala, Marius Boldea, Hamzeh Rawashdeh and Iozsef Nemet, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 52(3), 609-617; 2015.
Biofortification and Shoot: Root Ratio in Wheat Seedlings Under the Influence of Certain Mineral Elements, Florin Sala, Hamzeh Rawashdeh, Marius Boldea, AgroLife Scientific Journal – Vol. 4(2), 106-113, 2015.
The use of tin Software in Statistical Hypothesis Testing. Case Study, R. Drienovsky, M. Drienovsky, M. Boldea, Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 47 (4), pp. 69-69, 2015.
The Conversion of Thermal Waste into Green Energy, Maria Alexandra Ferencz , M. Nistor, M. Boldea, Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 47 (4), pp. 70-74, 2015.
The Contribution of Magnetic Fluid to the Variation of the Chlorophyll Content in Wheat, Amedeu Pîrvulescu, Florin Sala, Marius Boldea, Review on Agriculture and Rural Development. Vol. 3 No. 1 pp. 131-136, 2014.
The Variation of Some Vegetation Indices of Maize Under the Influence of Mineral Fertilization, Florin Sala, Dacian Luchian, Marius Boldea, Review on Agriculture and Rural Development Vol. 3 No.1 pp. 209-214, 2014.
The Relation Between Productivity Elements and Mineral Fertilization in Wheat, Florin Sala, Iozsef Nemet, Marius Boldea, Review on Agriculture and Rural Development Vol. 3 No. 1 pp. 215-220, 2014.
Fractal Analysis of Trunk Bark in Relation to Age of Trees: Case Study in Plum, Sala Florin, Marius Boldea, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture, 71, No. 2, pp. 299-307, 2014.
Fractal Characterization of Wheat Crop Based on Digital Images Captured in the Visible Spectrum, Florin Sala, Marius Boldea, Iosif Gergen, AgroLife Scientific Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 133-138, 2014.
Sodium Chloride Effect on Rye (Secale Cereale), Pascaru Adina, Giorgievici A.Ş., Gaman C. D., Bencec Otilia Terezia, Dicu Diana Roxana, Horga V. C.1, Petrescu Irina, Boldea M., Forestry and Biotechnology, USAMVB Timişoara, Vol.18 No. 4, pp. 55-62, 2014.
The Impact of Chemical Fertilization on Maize Yield, F. Crista, M. Boldea, Isidora Radulov, Alina Lato, Laura Crista, Cornelia Dragomir, Adina Berbecea, L. Nita, A. Okros, Research Journal of Agricultural Science, Timișoara, Vol. 46 No. 1, pp. 172-177, 2014.
Changing the Quality of Maize Grain After Applying Micro-Granular Fertilizers, F. Crista, M. Boldea, Isidora Radulov, Laura Crista, Alina Lato, Cornelia Dragomir, Adina Berbecea, A. Okros, I. Lato, Research Journal of Agricultural Science, Timișoara, Vol. 46 No. 1, pp. 166-171, 2014.
Mathematical Modeling of Biological Growth for some Vicia Faba Varieties, Samfira Ionel, Ghica Andreea, Boldea Marius, Butnariu Monica, Sendroni Marius and M-Kiss Andrei, AIP Conf. Proc. 1558, 1579, 2013.
Comparative Interpretation of the Development of Species Phalaris Arundinacea, Samfira Ionel,Ghica Andreea, Boldea Marius, Butnariu Monica, Sendroni Marius and M-Kiss Andrei, AIP Conf. Proc. 1558, 1583, 2013.
Aspects of Modeling Regarding the Contribution of Nitrogen to the Formation of Grape Yields, Cosmin Blidariu, Marius Boldea and Florin Sala, AIP Conf. Proc. 1558, 1575, 2013,
Assessing the Gluten Content in Wheat as an Expression of the Nutrition Deficit, Through Beta Distribution, Daniela Pı̂slea, Marius Boldea and Florin Sala, AIP Conf. Proc. 1558, 1571, 2013.
Optimizing the Area Fertilized with Nitrogen-based Chemical Fertilizers for Wheat Crops, M. Boldea, F Sala, Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 93-97, 2013. doi:10.5923/
The Variation of some Vegetation and Quality Indices in Grapes under the Influence of Foliar Fertilization on Grapevine, Sala Florin, Cosmin Blidariu, Alin Dobrei, Marius Valentin Boldea, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture, Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 201-208, 2013.
Spectral Imaging in the Evaluation of the Chlorophyll Content in Wheat, F. Sala, M. Boldea, I. Gergen, Research Journal of Agricultural Science, Timișoara, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 259-267, 2013.
Statistic-Mathematical Interpretation of some Assessment Parameters of the Grassland Ecosystem According to Soil Characteristics, Samfira, Ionel; Boldea Marius; Popescu, Cosmin, AIP Conf. Proc. 1479, 1066, 2012.
Bifactorial Model for the Assessment of Agricultural Yield and Economic Efficiency of Fertilization, Boldea Marius; Sala, Florin, AIP Conf. Proc. 1479, 1071, 2012.
Assessment of the Vegetation State of Several Under-exploited Agrostis tenuis–Festuca, Ionel Samfira, Veronica Sărăteanu, Marius Boldea, Branko Cupina, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Agriculture, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 58-63, 2012.
The Altitudinal Gradient Influence on the Parameters of the Mountain Grasslands, Ionel Samfira, Teodor Marusca, Andreea Ghica, Marius Boldea, Cupina Branko, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Agriculture, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 81-87, 2012.
On the Optimization of the Doses of Chemical Fertilizers for Crops, Sala, Florin; Boldea Marius; AIP Conf. Proc. 1389, 1297, 2011.
Elements of Technical and Economic Efficiency with Nitrogen Fertilisation in Winter Whet, Florin Sala, Isidora Radulov, M. Boldea, F. Crista, Adina Berbecea, Research Journal of Agricultural Science, Timișoara, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 180-187, 2011.
Optimisation of the Chemical Fertilizer Dose for Production Benefit Maximization, Marius Boldea, Florin Sala, Florin Crista, Research Journal of Agricultural Science, Timișoara, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 31-34, 2011.
Causal Relationships Between Fertilizers and Yield for Winter Wheat, Florin Sala, Marius Boldea, Isidora Radulov, Florin Crista, Adina Berbecea, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Agriculture, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 324-329, 2011.
A Mathematical Model of Assessing Agricultural Yield in Relation with the Doses of Chemical Fertilizer, Marius Boldea, Kevin Norley, Advances in Fundamental Sciences, Seria 1, Nr. 1, pp. 11-14, 2011.
On the Functional Dependence Between the Agricultural Yield and the Fertilization with a Single Type of Fertilizer, Marius Boldea, Florin Sala, Isidora Radulov, Florin Crista, Adina Berbecea, Research Journal of Agricultural Science, Timișoara, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 8-12, 2010.
A Mathematical Model on the Dependence between the Agricultural Production and Chemical Fertilizers, M. Boldea, F. Sala, Isidora Radulov and F. Crista, AIP Conf. Proc. 1281, 1363, 2010.
Determining the Optimal Proportions of Chemical Fertilizers for the Agricultural Production in the Case of a Hyperbolic Model, M. Boldea, F. Sala, Lia Micula and Adina Berbecea, AIP Conf. Proc. 1281, 1375, 2010.
Optimizing Economic Indicators in the Case of Using Two Types of State‐Subsidized Chemical Fertilizers for Agricultural Production, M. Boldea and F. Sala, AIP Conf. Proc. 1281, 1390, 2010.
Prognosticating the Agricultural Production as the Effect of a Mono-Factorial Determination Generated by Single-Nutrient Fertilizers, Sala Florin, Marius Boldea, Isidora Radulov, Florin Crista, Adina Berbecea, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Agriculture, Vol. 67, No. 01, pp. 247-252, 2010.
On Determining the Equations of Stereographic Projections in Geodesy and Map Making, Anghel, Corneliu; Boldea, Marius, Rural Development, Kaunas, Vol 2, Book 2, Proceedings, 214-216, 2005.
The Dismemberment and Tabulation of an area outside Giarmata Vii in View of Developing the Industrial Park in the Metropolitan Area of Timisoara, Luminita Livia Barliba, C. Ritt, Antonella Florescu, M. Boldea, C. Barliba, proceedings of the International Conference ,, Agricultural and Food Sciences, Processes and Technologies ”, Sibiu, pp. 57 – 62, 2005.
The Use of Trimble 3300 Total Stations in Forestry Cadaster to Identify and Plot an Orchard at Jena (District of Timiş), C. Bârliba, C. Ritt, Antonella Florescu, M. Boldea, Luminiţa Livia Bârliba, proceedings of the International Conference ,, Agricultural and Food Sciences, Processes and Technologies ”, Sibiu, pp. 37- 44, 2005.
Determining the Constants in a Mathematical Model of the Yield Function in relation to the N, P, K Doses, M. Boldea, Luminiţa Livia Bârliba, Carmen Aurelia Peptan, D. Brumar, International Conference on Agricultural Economics, Rural Development and Informatics (AVA 2), Digital Suport, Debrecen, 7-8 April, 2005.
On the Removal of a Plot from the Agricultural Circuit in View of Building the Ring Road of Timisoara, Romania, Peptan, Carmen Aurelia, D. Brumar, Luminiţa Livia Bârliba, M. Boldea, C. Bârliba, International Conference on Agricultural Economics, Rural Development and Informatics (AVA 2), Digital Suport, Debrecen, 7-8 April, 2005.
The Making of a Geographic Information System for the Outskirts of village Sânmartinu Maghiar, Timiş County, Bârliba, Luminiţa Livia, D. Brumar, Carmen Aurelia Peptan, M. Boldea, C. Bârliba, International Conference on Agricultural Economics, Rural Development and Informatics (AVA 2), Digital Suport, Debrecen, 7-8 April, 2005.
One Mehtod for Determination of the Optimum Fertilization Doses, M. Boldea, Proceedings ITAFE’05, Digital Suport, pp. 781-785, Adana, 2005.
A New Mathematical Model for the Yield Function in Relation to N, P, K Fertilisers, M. Boldea, Proceedings ITAFE’05, Digital Suport, pp. 301-305, Adana, 2005.
Some Theoretical Aspects Regarding the Determination of the Optimal Fertiliser Doses for Agricultural Crops, Boldea, M., Luminiţa Livia Bârliba, D. Brumar, C. Bârliba, Plovdiv, Digital Support, pp. 219-222, 2005.
On Using TRIMBLE 3300 Total Stations in Forestry Cadastre for the Identification and Ploting of a Forest in Lugojel, Timis county, Luminita Livia Barliba, C. Barliba, D. Brumar, M. Boldea, Plovdiv, Digital Support, pp. 65-70, 2005.
On Determining the Length of a Geodesic Line on the Surface of the Earth, Anghel, M. Boldea, Revista Lucrări științifice, Seria Agronomie, Iași, Vol. 48, Digital Suport, 2005.
On The Rural Development of the Future Suburbs of Timisoara in View of Planning the Exterior Roads and a New Recreation Base in Giarmata, Timis County, Bârliba, Luminiţa Livia, C. Ritt, D. Brumar, M. Boldea, C. Bârliba, Lucrări Ştiinţifice, Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, Chişinău, Vol. 13, pp. 145–149, 2005.
Simulated Wind Suction Testing on Sandwich Panels for Aluminium Roof Systems of Agricultural Constructions, Peptan, Carmen-Aurelia, Luminiţa-Livia Bârliba, D. Brumar, C. Bârliba, M. Boldea, Lucrări Ştiinţifice, Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, Chişinău, Vol. 13, pp. 186-192, 2005.
Determining Optimal Doses of Chemical Fertilisers in Fodder Beet, Boldea, M., Luminiţa Cojocariu, Al. Moisuc, Proceedings, Faculty of Agriculture, University of J. J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Opatija, pp. 411– 412, 2005.
Chemical Treatment and Production Function: A Mathematical Model, Boldea, M., Proceedings, Faculty of Agriculture, University of J. J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Opatija, pp. 409–410, 2005.
Modernising Topo-Geodesic Mapping of Plots in Cerneteaz (Romania), Bârliba, Luminiţa-Livia, Oana Boldea, M. Boldea, C. Bârliba, Proceedings, Faculty of Agriculture, University of J. J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Opatija, pp. 401–402, 2005.
Interconnections Between Lolium Multiflorum and Lolium Hybridum Plants, Cojocariu, Luminiţa, Al. Moisuc, M. Boldea, Proceedings, Faculty of Agriculture, University of J. J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Opatija, pp. 657–658, 2005.
The Area Calculation Using a Topographical Map for the Leu Area, Dolj County, D. Brumar, M. Boldea, Luminiţa Livia Bârliba, C. Bârliba, Scientifical Papers, Faculty of Agriculture, vol. 37, Timișoara, pp. 239 – 241, 2005.
A Characterisation of the Climate in 2003 Through the Thornthwaite C. W. System for the Southern Area of Dolj County – Romania, D. Brumar , Luminiţa Livia Bârliba, C. Bârliba, M. Boldea, Scientifical Papers, Faculty of Agriculture, Vol. 37, Timișoara, pp. 242 -244, 2005.
Computing Equilibrium Frequencies in a Genetic Algebra, Chiş, Codruţa, M. Chiş, M. Boldea, Scientific Research, Faculty of Horticulture, Series, Biotechnology and Biodiversity, Timişoara, Vol. 8, pp. 149-156, 2004.
Determination of the Agricultural Yield Function in Relation to N Fertilization Doses, Boldea, M., C. Anghel, Codruţa Chiş, Scientifical Papers, Faculty of Agriculture, Vol. 36, pp. 374-378, 2004.
A Mathematical Model for the Agricultural Yield Function When Using Chemical Fertilizers with N, P, and K, Boldea, M., Proceedings of 4th International Alföld Conference on Land Management, Tessedik Sámuel College, Agricultural College Faculty, Mezőtúr, Digital Support, 2004.
Determination of Agricultural Yield Function in Relation to Different Doses of Chemical Fertilizers, Boldea, M., Proceedings of 4th International Alföld Conference on Land Management, Tessedik Sámuel College, Agricultural College Faculty, Mezőtúr, Digital Support, 2004.
Yield Function In Relation To Fertilisers Based On N, P, K: A Mathematical Model, Boldea, M., Scientifical Papers, Annales of the University of Craiova, Vol. 34, pp. 85–90, 2004.
Cadastral Plans Digitizing Methods Used for the Mapping of a Plot Situated in Bistrita, Bârliba, Luminiţa Livia, C. Bârliba, Valeria Ciolac, C. Popescu, M. Boldea, Scientifical Papers, Annales of the University of Craiova, Vol. 34, pp. 436–441, 2004.
Planimetric Measurements Execution in the Agricultural Cadaster and the Temporary Intabulation of a Plot in Covaci, Timis County, Bârliba, Luminiţa Livia, C. Bârliba, Valeria Ciolac, C. Popescu, M. Boldea, Scientifical Papers, Scientifical Papers, Annales of the University of Craiova, Vol. 34, pp. 430–435, 2004.
Noi metode de evaluare şi analizare a biodiversităţii, Pătruţ, D., C. Anghel, M. Boldea, Studia Univ. VG, SSV, vol. 13, 2003.
Analysis of Diversity Indices Used in the Study of Herbal Phytocenoses, Pătruţ, D., C. Anghel, M. Boldea, Revue Roumain de Biologie, 2002, Vol. 47, No. 1-2, pp.79-93, 2002.
Improvement of Rural Education Importance – A Priority in Local Development, Goian, Maria, M. Goian, V. Boldea, Scientifical Papers, Agricultural Management Faculty, Timişoara, Vol. 3, pp. 324-328, 2001.
A Mathematical Model for the Estimation of Agrarian Production by Fertilizer Aplicated, Boldea, M., Anghel, M. Goian, Scientifical Papers, Faculty of Agriculture, Timişoara, Vol. 33, pp. 31-35, 2001.
Proposal for Improvement of Learning Process in Rural Area, Goian, Maria, Goian, M. Boldea, Scientifical Papers, Faculty of Agriculture, Timişoara, Vol. 33, pp. 43-47, 2001.
The Study of Some Quantitative Interdependences in Fodder, Cojocariu, Luminiţa, Al. Moisuc, I. Samfira, M. Horoblaga, M. Boldea, G. Ciortea, Scientifical Papers, Faculty of Agriculture, Timişoara, Vol. 33, pp. 201-204, 2001.
The Phenotypical Interrelations in Phalaris Arundinacea Features, I. Samfira, A. Moisuc, L. Cojocariu, M. Horablaga, M. Boldea, G. Ciortea, Lucrări Ştiinţifice-Agricultură, Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară a Banatului Timişoara, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 449-454, 2000.
Mathematical Appreciation of the Evolution of Humus Quantity in Soil in the Periods of Lying Follow and After Upturning, Boldea, M., M. Goian, Scientifical Papers, Faculty of Agriculture, Timişoara, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 189-196, 2000.
The Study of the Eolian Regime in the Timis Plain, Scientifical Papers, Bărbălan, Anişoara, Laura Unipan, M. Boldea, Antoanela Cozma, M. Dorel, Scientifical Papers, Faculty of Agriculture, Timişoara, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 285-290, 2000.
Simulation on Computer in Transmission of Hereditary Maladies, Anghel, C., M. Boldea, Scientifical Papers, Faculty of Agriculture, Timişoara, Vol. 31, pp. 259-264, 1999.
The Characterization of Didactic Station – Timişoara from an Agro-meteorological Point of View, Ienciu, Anişoara, M. Boldea, Silvica Oncia, Laura Unipan, Scientifical Papers, Faculty of Agriculture, Timişoara, Vol. 31, pp. 99-104, 1999.
Presumes About Number Rising and Monitories on Architectural and Historical Issues from Balneo Climaterical Resort Herculane, Goian, M., Maria Goian, Boldea, Scientifical Papers, Faculty of Agriculture, vol. 31 (3-10), 1999.